Neighbourhood Plan

Here you will find all the information regarding our Neighbourhood Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan sets out how we as residents see the Parish today and how we would like it to develop in the future.  Once approved by North Yorkshire Council, and voted for in a referendum by the residents of Bulmer Parish, the Plan will become part of the NYC’s Local Plan and will be taken into account when considering planning applications within the Parish.

A working group, of 6 residents who volunteered, has been working on the production of this plan. The working group members are; Sharon Booth, Michael Cleary, Nick Lees, Hannah Newton, Annie Plaskitt & Tony Wood.

The working group meets on a regular basis. These meetings are not public, however reports are issued as required. You can find flyers, newsletters and important documents below (opens in new window)

If you have any question please contact Tony Wood on or  01653 618330.