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Dark SkiesDark Skies

Bulmer is proud to call itself a Dark Skies Friendly Community. As a community we strive to preserve our natural dark skies by reducing unnecessary light pollution. By keeping our skies as dark as possible we can help to reduce the effect on wildlife such as moths, bats and other nocturnal animals. It also allows us to view the amazing stars of the night sky to an amazing effect.

Bulmer has always been an inherently dark village with no street lights and many properties having sensitive exterior lighting. In autumn 2024, a community project took place to replace the Village Hall’s exterior lights with Dark Skies friendly lights, the new lights now Dark skies compliant, give a better spread of low light for the parking areas and are also very attractive. An audit on the residential properties took place which logged how many lights in the village were already compliant with the scheme. The results of both the project and audit have granted the village Dark Skies status.

As part of the Dark Skies friendly scheme we do not insist that anyone turns off exterior lights, however we do encourage all residents to consider Dark Skies friendly lighting into any plans or exterior lighting works that they do. To find out more about how you can help preserve Bulmer’s natural dark skies please see the more information below or contact the Parish Council for more advice.

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The Parish Council Oak TreeThe Parish Council Oak Tree

The plaque that sits below the oak tree has been lovingly repaired and replaced by Ben. The plaque reads; ‘Parish council oak planted in 1894 to commemorate the act which created parish councils‘.

As the tree has been standing for about 130 years, it has grown to be a prominent feature within the village. However, we need to look after it correctly: if it becomes overgrown it may cause harm to the passing vehicles and pedestrians. The Parish Council will be looking at hiring an arborist to conduct a report on this tree so that it can be managed appropriately.

With the correct care, we can ensure that this impressive tree will stand for hundreds of years to come.

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